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Index > Quality


Ensuring quality

Quality product is the one, that meets all the requirements. That is why we strongly focus on demands of our customers and shape all operation processes to meet their expectations. Great help comes from SPC, Pareto analysis, correlation analysis and other control quality tools.

All of our successes become the standard and all of our failures are a lesson that needs to be taken seriously. With help from FTA, Ishikawa diagram or 5timesWhy, we try to reveal the causes of failure to avoid it in the future. E.g. by using POKA-YOKE solutions. That is how “kaizen” works in Elakov Production Company. 

Inspection and metrology

Since quote “Trust but verify” is a golden rule, Elakov Production has available a fully air-conditioned metrology laboratory, equipped with highly modern measuring machines. Therefore, we can verify and our customers can trust in us and our work. Great measuring machine park is a necessity in our business because of a huge variety of fast changing projects and parts for which we need guarantee their conformity.

There are 3D CMMs from companies ZEISS and Wenzel, multisensory measuring machine ZEISS O-INSPECT, ScanMax-device for evaluation of surface parameters from Mitutoyo, and many more. Callipers, micrometres, Johanson gauges, altimeters and other basic gauges are matter of course. We keep records of all our gauges and monitor continuously their state and calibration data. Experienced employees are capable of creating measuring reports exactly according to the customer’s wishes.

Who is afraid of audits

Engineering is not about certificates. But to prove our customers we really care about our quality management system and continuous improvement, we are certificated according to ISO 9001:2015. Since 2017 we also fulfil industry standard AS9100D for aviation and since 2020 standard ISO 13485 for medical industry.

We also care about environment around us, so we keep the system of environmental management ISO14001:2015 alive. In addition to these audits coming from external needs, we do have our own system of internal process audits and controls. And when there is a new product to be launched, we are fully disponible to work with our customers on making the start as smooth as possible.